Save Us From SOGI 123
Children’s Experiences in Canadian Schools
“Parent banned from School premises for asking question of a teacher.”
7, 9, and 11 yrs old, Jarvis Traditional Elementary School, Surrey BC
Parent of a student reported that a teacher was teaching transgender stuff to a grade 4 class via a presentation. The student reported this to his mom.
Panicked that she also has a grade two child in the school, she asked grade 2 teacher, when is his presentation on this topic (so she could keep her child home on that day).
The grade 2 teacher reported to the Principal that he doesn’t feel safe with the parent around.
As this point, this parent was banned by the school from entering the school premises.
This is Jarvis Traditional Elementary School in Delta BC.
Many students from grade 6 have reported that their teacher told them not to tell at home about transgender/sogi 123 learning.
Nov 2024
Students have reported that 18 students identify as Furries in Sullivan Heights Secondary School, Surrey BC.
13-18 yrs old, Sullivan Heights Secondary School, Surrey BC
PS: This school has a massive rainbow flag painted on the floor of the entrance, outside the school, where you would normally find a Canadian flag.
June 2024
Students have reported that 3 unisex bathrooms for students are under construction at Fleetwood Park Secondary School, Surrey BC.
13-18 yrs old, Fleetwood Park Secondary School, Surrey BC
Unisex bathroom means common bathroom for boys and girls.
Which means, girls will have to use the same bathroom that boys use.
Both boys and girls will be using the bathroom in each other’s presence.
June 2024
Our happy little family has been deeply affected by SOGI, here in BC. We had a daughter who is now 12. She was the most beautiful, intelligent, carefree girl and her mom and I loved her with our whole hearts. She wanted to be a princess when she grew up. Then, in Grade 4, she was exposed to SOGI. I don’t know if it was through her regular teacher or a guest speaker, but that day, she came home with a new vocabulary. Words crossed her lips that never had before; words like “gender-fluid”, “non-binary” and “trans”. At the age of 9! Her mom and I were shocked that she was saying these words and talking about these concepts at her age. Shortly thereafter, she came home and announced that we were now to call her “Peter” and to use the pronouns “they/them”. We were surprised at this sudden pronouncement and the fervor with which she pursued it. Her mother and I wondered if this was a phase, but our research told us not to suggest it to her. I had a problem calling her they/them because those are plural pronouns, and as a grammar expert, I refused. (Later Peter said that “he/him” was acceptable, too, so that was “easier” for me.) For the last three years, Peter has stuck to the idea that he is trans and has chastised us when we accidentally use his “deadname”. I use a nickname for him at home so I can avoid the Peter/deadname problem, but when we are out in public, I have to introduce him as my son, Peter, or he gets mad at me. He dresses like a slobby boy, wears a chest binder he begged us to buy, has messed up his hair cut and colour, but still wants to paint his nails and use eye makeup and lipstick. He has a night-time skincare routine! We are confused. As is Peter, apparently.
9 years old, Victoria BC
When I was growing up, we had a name for girls who didn’t want to wear dresses and preferred to play sports instead of with dolls. They were called tomboys. They were not necessarily girls who wanted to be boys, they just didn’t like stereotypical girly things. Some of the most beautiful women in the world today were once, or are still, tomboys. My favourite example is Charlize Theron.
I am all for tolerance and inclusivity (Peter’s sister has special needs), but I think this SOGI thing should not be introduced to children until they have begun maturing and have started asking questions about their sexuality and sexuality in general. We have come to suspect that Peter may have ADHD and/or a genetic mental disorder, and these may or may not have contributed to his being extremely suggestible. I’m pretty sure that something in Peter’s brain took the message of sexual diversity he received in that class, and it told him that he was not happy as a girl and that he should now be a boy. I’m also pretty sure that that was not the message that was delivered during that information session, but that’s what was received. The lack of socialization which followed a few months later, during the pandemic, did not help the situation. Our life has been in turmoil ever since, but we have made it abundantly clear to Peter that we love him no less than before. Peter retreats to his room for days, has talked about “disappearing” and has expressed dark thoughts, at times, and has had inappropriate chats with shadowy characters he has found online. No doubt the constant exposure to the internet is contributing to the darkness. Quite a contrast to the carefree daughter we had, three years ago. The son of a friend of mine is going through exactly the same thing. We parents are all blaming SOGI.
I don’t remember being told about SOGI or being asked for consent for our daughter to receive this indoctrination, but I may have signed something. I regret that I did not prevent this from being presented to my precious daughter, so anything that you or others can do to have this program cancelled or at least postponed until Grade 10 or 11, would probably save lives. We certainly would have been happier living with our daughter than with the confused 12-year-old that I believe SOGI created. Can I sue the Ministry of Education?
A Grade 2 Teacher separated the boys and girls in 2 groups. Then asked the Boys if they like to play with girls’ toys like dolls.
7 years old, Harry Sayers Elementary School, Abbotsford School District, BC
She also asked if their parents had stopped them from playing with girl toys?
It’s not known what she asked the girls group as this was reported by one of the 7 years old boy in the boys group. But it is easy to guess. Any girl likes to play with Superman? likes to wear Pants? likes to be a Tomboy?
This is the first step of the blue print where a child’s innocense and trust is taken advantage of, an idea is planted in their mind about their gender identity, leading upto surgery and taking child away from the family.
Nov 2023
There is ONLY one way to look at this questionnaire:
Grade 3, King Traditional Elementary School, Abbotsford School District, BC
– put an idea into child’s mind that they can have a different name than given by the parent.
– and once child starts thinking, it can very well pick something of the other gender.
– now teacher will use that to put the student on a path as if student is in wrong body, and we all know how it ends.
Nov 28 2023
I need a lawyer and friends to help me save my daughter Suzanna and her alter ego Spencer… Silenced by SOGI 123.
14 years old, Abbotsford School District, BC
I have past historical childhood trauma with my family. This trauma includes rape and other abuses. My family used this trauma to indicate I was mentally ill and also to indicate that I am transphobic, to the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
I was punished for stating a opinion on my child’s safety.
I am scared. I live every day wanting to die because I am so broken. I’ve never felt pain like this. It hurts so much.
I have been like a walking ghost void of feeling or thoughts. I hear my child calling me so loud I can’t hear my employer when talked to directly at work. I am that devastated. I just want my little girl home even if she looks like a boy.
Spencer my child … could die if put on anything medical or chemical. Her Conversion Disorder requires only counselling therapy to calm body anxiety. This must be cured with natural development of puberty.
I am so scared my child will die at the hands of SOGI 123 propaganda.
Sep 2021
Looks like fresh books have arrived at Abbotsford Senior Secondary School Library and are ready to be catalogued.
13-18 years old, Abbotsford School District, BC
How exciting!
Nov 2023
I’m a grandfather of eight grand children. My 11 year old grand daughter said in the class that she knew what her Gender was and that she was a Girl. The teacher disagreed with her and kicked her out of the classroom. Since when is bullying ok? When it suits the Teacher? This sort of garbage in our classrooms has to end. We pay taxes for schools and must have a say in what they teach our children, what is fundamentally correct or incorrect as per our beliefs.
11 years old, Kamloops-Thompson School District, Clearwater BC
Oct 2023
My 9 years old daughter had a very annoying and confusing feeling when her teacher started to read a story about two Lesbians. She was shocked how her teacher encouraged them to be proud of being what they WANT TO BE and follow their feeling all the way! She come back home heavily crying that how she felt unsafe that she is being lead away from her religion. She tried to put her hands on ears trying not listen and she told me in her own words: “I won’t be able to go to school any more because I respect everyone whatever they do and think because I don’t care just keep it for yourself and I am very kind student as I respect my body, my straight and stable rules of my religion .. then why no one let me feel respectful if I don’t want this way”
9 years old, Vancouver School District, BC
June 2023 as part of the Pride Month
My teacher conducted a Lesbian Wedding during class with 2 Female Students in Grade 7.
12/13 years old, Sunrise Ridge Elementary, Surrey School District, BC
She told the class that she would never send her kids to a Christian school if she had kids. When a student asked her why not, as student’s family is christian, she stated: “because they are hateful”, and sent the student out of the class.
This same teacher shows a Grade 6 class, how to put a Condom on a Banana.
There are 3 pride flags in her portable.
Oct 2023
My child (age 6) brought home 2 books in three weeks, about being trans. One was about a trans crayon and one was about Jazz Jennings (youngest child to transition as far as I understand). Of all of the administrators I brought this up with (principal(s), teachers, sogi educators etc) none of them had even read the book and suggested I could simply choose to not read the book to my kids (once they had already read the books at school). Not appropriate for children, and these hard covers were on display for the covers to be attractive to little ones. This k-8 school is covered in pride posters and “love is love” messaging which I believe is incorrect and inappropriate. I am told the k/1 class needs the pride poster so that big kids who may identify with the flag know that the k class is a safe space for themselves.
6 years old, North Okanagan-Shuswap School District (Salmon Arm), BC
Oct 2023
33 weeks pregnant Aimee went to BC Province funded prenatal class at Kootenay Kids Society called Bellies to Babies, Nelson BC.
0 years old, Bellies to Babies Pregnancy and Family Resource Program, Nelson BC
Paraphrasing Aimee’s words: At the end of the class the coordinator was advertising a class restart for parents to teach them “how to raise anti-heterosexual and non-cis” babies and children. Coordinator was using a very heterophobic language, including defining the friendship between 5 year old boy and girl as boy friend and girl friend instead of just friends. I gave my views about not sexualizing young children at this age. When I came home I got this email from the program. Seems like they are threatening that in order to continue to use the government program, I will have to follow along with their anti-heterosexual views and agenda.
PS: Aimee herself is a victim of sex abuse in the past so she knows the footprints of grooming very well by personal experience.
Oct 2023
A daughter at age 9 declared to her mom that she is Pansexual. She wanted clothing, shoes, jewelry and all kinds of other accessories, IN RAINBOW. She also seemed to have grown this gigantic EGO. She acted and talked like she was better than everyone. She no longer wanted to go on family outings or even eat dinner with us. She said she wanted to KILL HERSELF and started crying. Not until her school was changed, that she became a normal child, and is a fine girl now at 12.
9 years old, Chilliwack School District, BC
Fall 2020
A grade 9 boy had a picture of a giant cock in his backpack, when discovered by his mom, he said, “oh don’t worry mom, our teacher asked us to draw it, we had sex Ed today”
15 years old, Semiahmoo Secondary School, Surrey School District, BC
Oct 2023
My teacher told us that two boys can marry, but I don’t think so
6 years old, Surrey School District, BC
2023 June
My teacher showed me a drag queen movie, I didn’t like it a bit
8 years old, Vancouver School District, BC
2022 October